Official Rules and Entry Form

Who: A team (maximum of five individuals) willing to match its' chili against the best Idaho City has to offer.

Where: Idaho City Visitors Center right on the corner of Main Street.

Entry Fee: $20.00 per Team.  All Teams must register by January 31, 2012.  Make Checks Payable to: Idaho City Chamber of Commerce.

Rules and Regulations
Teams will receive a copy of the competition rules, briefing schedule, regulation, and safety requirements upon registration.  All Chief Cooks must attend a mandatory health, safety, and contest rules briefing prior to the event.

   First Place:  $250.00
   Second Place:  $175.00
   Third Place:  $75.00

A prize will be given to the Team that collects the most Chili Feed Tickets.

Event Times
06:00AM - 09:00AM Chili Booth area set-ups
08:00AM Manditory Health Briefing
11:00AM Live Music
11:30AM Hot Dog Eating Contest
12:00PM Chili Judging and Public Serving Begins
2:00PM Chili Awards Presentation

Judging Criteria/Scoring Guidelines
Fine Chili should look good, smell good, and taste good!  Each cup of Chili will be judged on five criteria to arrive at one whole number score from 0 - 10, with 10 being the highest and 0 being the lowest for criterion. 

The five criteria are:

  1. AROMA - Chili should smell appetizing.

  2. CONSISTENCY - Chili should be a smooth combination of meat and gravy. Meat should have a good texture.

  3. COLOR - Chili should look appetizing.

  4. TASTE/FLAVOR - Chili should taste good and have a pleasing blend of spices to complement the ingredients.

  5. AFTERTASTE - Chili should leave a pleasant taste after swallowing.

Chili Judging Etiquette Judging Sheets

  1. Judge each chili on its own merits; do not attempt to compare one chili to another.

  2. Make your decision on the first tasting round. Chili cannot be re-tasted after it has been passed.

  3. Use a new, clean spoon for each taste of Chili

  4. Pace yourself, you will have a number of cups of Chili to judge.

  5. Clear your Palate after tasting each of the different chilies.

  6. If you have FOOD AllERGIES, please advise your table monitor.

Judging Sheets

Idaho City Chamber of Commerce Official judging sheets will be used for judging. Each team will have a scoring sheet from each judge. The judges can write suggestions for the cook on this sheet. The Sheets will be given to the cooks after the judging is completed. Write the cup number on the top of each of your scoring sheets. Remember one sheet per team per judge. When finished, check your score sheet for accuracy and legibility. Composite scores from all the judges will determine the winners.


For more information contact: Bonnie 392-9796 . Visit our website for more information on January 1, 2012


Mail Entries to:
Idaho City Chamber of Commerce, POB 507, Idaho City, ID 83631


Entry Form
Chili Cookoff Sponsorship Application